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Savvy salon owners have been quick to relate to Vish since they came on the scene in April of 2018. Born in a salon, from the brain of a salon owner, it’s no wonder this new approach to an old problem was instantly a no-brainer for any salon owner concerned with waste. Over this short period of time, Vish salons have been able to save over 30 metric tons or 67,673 pounds of color from being poured down the drain. By comparing the amount of product used in a service before Vish and what is used after implementing the new hair color scale, Vish has found that product used across services has reduced by up to 40% across the network. In just these two and a half years, Vish salons have mixed 15 million dollars worth of color, of which 12% – 1.8 million USD worth – of all of the color mixed was eliminated!

This is an amazing feat, not achievable without the passion of the salon owner and stylist. Not only did 515,603 tubes of color stay on the shelves and out of our waterways, salon owners were able to shave a lot off their costs during a time when every drop on the bottom line was usable and needed.

“If you think about it, the amount of color each of our salons are saving is equivalent to three-quarters of a million services,” says Joshua Howard, cofounder and CEO of Vish. “Salons were buying hair color and basically throwing it straight from the delivery box into the trash without it ever touching the heads of their clients. I am incredibly proud to be a part of this sustainable change that not only saves the planet but also hard-earned profits.”

By encouraging stylists to reweigh their formulas at the conclusion of the service, Vish is able to expertly refine the measurements so on the next visit it is clear what the client needs. In doing so, it has meant a reduction in up to 40% on inventory spend, letting owners and managers take the savings and reinvest it into their salons. Some have opted to invest in education for their team, some have increased employee benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans, and some have even been able to take those savings and open a second location. Even during a pandemic!

“Our initial goal when starting Vish was to eliminate salon waste, but we’ve since discovered that we can do much more,” Joshua continues “eliminating salon waste reduces salon costs, while our extra product charge feature increases revenue by ensuring no service add-on or changes gets missed.”

The evolution of the system continues to be fed by the passion and inspiration from the Vish salon community. Tell us more in the comments!

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