How Vish Works
Simplify, optimize, thrive. Uncover the step-by-step process that has thousands of salons excited about profit.
Four Steps to Cascading Color Profit
The Color Profit Method
Like all meaningful growth, an idea creates a movement.
Integrated to your appointment book, all appointments and employees are available at the color bar and notes head back to the client record.
Complete Customization
Every Vish salon works with a Customer Success rep that sets up their unique system based on rules, product lines and user goals.
Any change is daunting, but Vish sets itself apart with its approach to training and launch support. Choose from onsite (recommended) or online and access a proven methodology for launching tech at the color bar.
Beyond technical assistance, all Vish salons receive ongoing coaching from your Vish Customer Success rep giving you personalized reviews of your progress and helping you identify new areas to grow your business.
Calculate Your Color Profit