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Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle your way to sustainability

Eliminating waste is a vital part of achieving sustainability in your salon. We all know that the way we are currently producing waste is not a sustainable model for the future of our planet and things have to change. Luckily, we are witnessing a renaissance in the way people and corporations view waste and are seeing huge strides towards sustainable, eco-friendly business models. Salons all over the world have gladly changed their way of thinking to become part of this movement, eliminating waste by reducing, reusing, and recycling.

This eco-mantra is not a new concept, but the way in which we embrace it changes every day. More and more, we see creative and innovative ways to cut the ways we produce waste, involving these three strategies.

1. Reduce color waste

Color waste is a huge contributor to overall waste in salons. On average, salons can waste up to 40% of their color stock, throwing away 2 out of every 5 color tubes usually by washing them down the drain. You can reduce this by implementing a colorist-friendly measurement system, which will help you reduce yourcolor waste by fine-tuning your formulas while also increasing your bottom line. Combine this with water-reducing tools such as ECOHEADS spray nozzles, and you’ll reduce your water use along the way too!

2. Reuse what you can

Start by cutting back on single-use products where you can. If you have to use them, opt to go with plastic alternatives such as paper products or biodegradable materials. Reuse anything you can such as bottles, gowns, hand towels, and other traditionally disposable products where possible, so you can cut down on the amount of waste that ends up in the landfill. Ensure when buying reusable products that they are made with natural fibers such as cotton, bamboo, or glass, rather than synthetics.

3. Recycle everything

Join a salon recycling program, such as Green Circle Salons, that will allow you to recycle salon products such as hair, color, PPE, paper, plastics, and metals. Make sure you have the proper bins available for staff and guests so they can both see your dedication to the planet and will easily be able to recycle at the salon.

4. Use eco-friendly products

Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies and detergents when possible. This reduces the number of harmful chemicals polluting our freshwater supply. Aim for products that have earth-friendly packaging, such as those that are made out of recycled materials, are reusable, or are biodegradable. Look for eco-friendly substitutes in other aspects of your salon where possible, including foil and plastic wrap alternatives, such as those made by Paper Not Foil.

5. Education and awareness

Education is the beating heart of any movement, especially eliminating waste as it’s a behavior change. Educating your staff and getting them passionate about the cause is the most effective way to cut back on the amount of waste your salon is producing. If you can stop waste at the source, you’ll be stopping the problem before it begins. Technology such as Vish, tools such as Ecoheads, and programs such as Green Circle Salons can help you to educate your staff and guide them in the right direction of sustainability and waste reduction.

These are just a few of the ways you can eliminate waste in your salon and work towards a greener future. Get creative and see where else you can cut down on waste and find ways for your salon to be more sustainable!


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